Monday, July 14, 2008

Breaking Dawn

I'm sure most of you were just as anxious to read the qoutes from Breaking Dawn so you have already read them fifty times but I will still post them (So you can read them fifty-one times).

1.Alice: "I'll play you for it. Rock, paper, scissors."
Edward: "Why don't you just tell me who wins?"
Alice: "I do. Excellent."

2.Bella: "Oh, Mike! How will I go on?"

3.Tanya: "Ah, Edward. I've missed you."

My mom and I have some ideas about what the story will be about and what the quotes mean.
For number one we think it's about a bet of how soon Bella makes the choice to be come a vampire. We think that it is in the beginning of the book before they are married.

For number two we don't really have a good idea but we think it might be when she is about to tell every one she is getting married and is really nervous about what other people will think.

For number three we think that they visit Tanya before Bella is a vampire- Edward keeps putting off the day she will become a vampire. My mom and I have made the conclusion that Tanya might know how to make Edward human again. Because think about - why else would they be visiting Tanya and Stephenie Meyer said this was the last book and it can't be if they live together forever.

Leave a coment if you have come up with some theories of your own.


Victoria Renae said...

i think the first is either about a car or killing jacob. i hope its the second. :)
to the second, i think it is a bitingly sarcastic remark about bella missing something human and trivial.
as for the third, i think it is a visit to them after the wedding, because the honeymoon will be somewhere near there. just a thought.
P.S. the pic on ur sidebar does look old fashioned!

12-12 baby!

Kendree Brinae said...

I really don't know...

But, I love you blog! I adore the simpliciity of the background and stuff. So many use a bunch of stuff to make it look so busy, but you dont! It makes it look so much more sophisticated and clean, same reason I keep mine plain green!

I am so bored at home right now, you are not the only one. ugh! ha.

You can still totally tan without a pool! You just goinside every ten minutes or so to cool off, and then venture back outside. haha :D

Rachel Ellen said...

I don't know about the first and second but as for the third I think that they are visiting her when they are up at college and I hope that it is not just Edward visiting her because he is upset for some reason like in the first book. Oh and my mom and I came up with an interesting theory. You know how Aro, Jane, and Edward can't get inside her head. Well it seemed like they talked about it a lot in Eclipse. We think that Stephenie Meyer is setting it up so that Bella will have some cool powers when she becomes a vampire. We think that she might be able to control her hunger right away because she has such great power over her own mind. We think that that might be one of the many things she'll be able to do. I don't know just a theory.

Victoria Renae said...

ohmygosh did you see the new twilight trailer?????!!!!!!!!!

Laura said...

I know it is really good!!! Have you seen the new Twilight clip before Penelope. It is when Edward shows bella his room for the first time! It is AMAZING!!!!!!!